Latest Episodes

The Phases of Relationships (and the 9 Different Relationships You Want In Your Life)
If the last couple years have taught us anything, it’s the value of community and relationships in our lives. But relationships aren’t a one...

How You Speak to Yourself Matters
What comes up for you in the absence of distractions? And more importantly, what does your internal dialogue sound like during this? If you’ve...

Why Relying on Motivation is Not a Game Plan (and What To Do Instead)
Ever heard the saying “motivation is garbage”? Okay, maybe “garbage” is a little harsh. Motivation is great when you’ve got it, but what about...

Exploring Our 8 Senses With Rachel Harrington, COT/L, AC
It’s a packed episode with nuggets of knowledge on all things sensory this week. And we aren’t just talking about your 5 main senses. ...

Trusting Your Intuition with Lauren Lee
Get ready for equal parts belly laughs and inspo this week on Your Zest Life as Genevieve gets to podcast with one of her...

Turning Your Thoughts Into Actions
You likely have thought about the life you want to live (your ZEST life, right?), and you may even know what you need to...