You likely have thought about the life you want to live (your ZEST life, right?), and you may even know what you need to do to create the life you want. But how exactly do you turn your thoughts into actions?
The key is in identifying and creating the connection piece to where you’re at now, and where you want to be. Which is easier said (or thought), than done. And the secret just may be in the rewiring of your neural pathways.
This week on Your Zest Life, Gen dives into a topic matter she can’t wait to geek out with you about. How your neural pathways can create new habits and beliefs, and how to rewire your brain to support your goals and visions. She also shares step by step tips on how to rewire our brain composition to support your desired habits and routines, and how to simplify the process so the result is both doable and sustainable.
Genevieve dives into how to create and act on a game plan, and incorporate new habits that support your desired outcome into your pre-existing day to day routines.
Life Zesters, grab your pen, paper, post it notes, and get ready to shift your thoughts into actions.
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