Why Relying on Motivation is Not a Game Plan (and What To Do Instead)

Episode 35 March 16, 2022 00:45:05
Why Relying on Motivation is Not a Game Plan (and What To Do Instead)
Your Zest Life
Why Relying on Motivation is Not a Game Plan (and What To Do Instead)

Mar 16 2022 | 00:45:05


Show Notes

Ever heard the saying “motivation is garbage”? Okay, maybe “garbage” is a little harsh. Motivation is great when you’ve got it, but what about on the days where you just don’t feel motivated to do the things you know you need to do, to get where you want to be?


While the feeling of motivation is great, being dependent on motivation to reach your goals and achieve your “zest life” is not a reliable game plan. And this week, Genevieve breaks down exactly why motivation isn’t a realistic tactic, and what you can do to get started and stay dedicated with your goals instead. 


Learn more about how exactly “motivation” works, the top reasons why we feel stuck or struggle to get started, what you can do to take action, and how to create your personal motivation toolbox in this week’s episode of Your Zest Life.

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