The Power of the Menstrual Cycle with Anjuli Brady-Bethke

Episode 24 December 15, 2021 00:50:24
The Power of the Menstrual Cycle with Anjuli Brady-Bethke
Your Zest Life
The Power of the Menstrual Cycle with Anjuli Brady-Bethke

Dec 15 2021 | 00:50:24


Show Notes

Ladies, do you know what phase of your menstraul cycle is the best time to ask for that raise at work? This week's episode holds the answer to this question and more on the menstrual cycle as Genevieve is joined by meditation guide, personal trainer, yoga instructor and fitness friend, Anjuli Brady-Bethke as she shares her 20 years of experience in the health & wellness industry. With a passion to become a sex therapist and doula, Anjuli takes her knowledge and ability to empower women by talking through how to live our fullest lives in each phase of the menstrual cycle. Sharing different foods to eat during each phase, what exercises our body needs during different times of the month, and which social decisions & activities to engage in during which phase. Anj answers questions like “What foods does my body need during my follicular phase?” and "What at the best exercises to engage in during the luteal phase?". This episode is for anyone wanting to tap into a better relationship with their menstrual cycle and learning how to best coexist with each phases.


Share this episode with anyone who you think could benefit from getting to know themselves better through understanding how our menstrual cycle effects all areas of our lives. 

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