Investing In Your Self-Worth

Episode 19 November 10, 2021 00:38:53
Investing In Your Self-Worth
Your Zest Life
Investing In Your Self-Worth

Nov 10 2021 | 00:38:53


Show Notes

Did you know your self-worth is not only your personal evaluation of your own worth, but also directly influences your decisions and lifestyle? When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in your quality of life, relationships, career, health, and goals.

This week, Genevieve talks about the importance of investing in our self-worth as you would a health savings account and how to increase the appreciation of your self-worth overtime. 

She answers the question of “Did the chicken come before the egg?” in relation to “Do we have self-worth before we practice self-care?”, and shares how to invest in our self-worth through:

How we show up for ourselves.

How we allow others to treat us.

And how we operate our businesses and careers.


The episode has something for everybody and is guaranteed to leave you fired up about creating your zest life by investing in your highest priority, you. 

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