It’s Genevieve’s birthday (week!) and she’s kicking it off with two special guests who take us back to the roots of how Gen’s “zest for life” came to be.
Momma & Daddyo are taking over the mic on this week’s episode as they lay some golden eggs of wisdom and insight on how they raised two spirited daughters and created 32 “zesty” years of marriage. Ever wondered what sparked Genevieve’s zest for life? It started with two rad humans on a bike tour, crickets in a Burley to Mexico, “Xena the Subaru”, and the constant reminder to slow down and enjoy the simple moments.
Listen to learn more about living life with no regrets, “heater hill”, and the summer all three of the Nutting women packed up on their solo adventures to explore what the world has to offer.
You likely have thought about the life you want to live (your ZEST life, right?), and you may even know what you need to...
There is much to be gained in taking the time to be present with yourself. This is one of the many valuable messages shared...
Holistic nutritionist, owner of Sprouting Vitality, health coach, professional life coach, private chef & yoga instructor, McKenzie Joyner, joins Genevieve on Your Zest Life...