End of Year Recap and 2022 Manifestations with Lauren Lee

Episode 25 December 29, 2021 00:48:55
End of Year Recap and 2022 Manifestations with Lauren Lee
Your Zest Life
End of Year Recap and 2022 Manifestations with Lauren Lee

Dec 29 2021 | 00:48:55


Show Notes

The tables turn on the 2021 finale episode as a familiar voice to "Your Zest Life" fills the seat as the hostess with the mostess. Lauren Lee is back and this time she's putting Genevieve in the hotspot and asking all the questions. 
What ignited the creation of "Your Zest Life"? What are the challenges that have come along with starting up a podcast and what did this first year as a podcast host teach Genevieve? What are the plans for "Your Zest Life" in 2022 and what can listeners expect this next year? Genevieve talks goals and reflections, including sharing what she believes to be true in this life.
As we head into a new season, Genevieve and Lauren also chat manifestations and intentions. With Lauren's new podcast, The Calm Point, launching next week and Genevieve's "Empowered You Program" going live, there's a lot of change brewing and they invite you to join in setting some intentions of your own.
Cheers to the Empowered YOU as we bid a grateful farewell to 2021, and set the intention for 2022 to be the best year yet. (Say it with us now, 2022 is going to be our best year yet!)
Interested in joining the Empowered You Program? Email [email protected] to inquire.

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